Swing I 鞦韆 I


XY Drawing robot on paper

57 × 76 cm

Swing I  captures the ephemeral act of play, specifically drawing inspiration from the joyous movements of children playing on swings in a public playground. Embracing the boundless forms of play that inspire movement and spontaneity in children, and utilized the XY drawing robot to transcend traditional boundaries, merging technology and creativity to bring my vision to life on paper.

This process involved using motion capture technology to immortalize the fleeting moments of improvised play in public spaces. Through the lens of machine learning, video footage is transformed into 3D motion data, translating temporal movements into spatial positions.

鞦韆 I 嘗試捕捉了公共遊樂場使用者玩鞦韆的動態。並採用了XY 繪圖機器人,將透過動態捕捉技術所產成的數據和美麗形象生動地呈現在紙上。這過程中使用了動作捕捉技術來記錄在公共空間即興遊玩的瞬間。透過機器學習,影片轉換為3D動作數據,亦將時間性的動作轉換為空間位置。




Swing II